Pollutant Spree login Plan

Providing Value to a Community Striving to Comply with State and Federal Stormwater Regulations.

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is providing support for Spring Township as a new National Spree login Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permittee for the 2018 permit term.

The NPDES Permit requirements expanded to include stringent pollutant Spree login requirements including Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Plans and Pollutant Spree login Plans (PRPs) in addition to the Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) of previous permit terms.

Spring Township is required to develop and implement a Pollutant Spree login Plan (PRP) for stormwater discharges to streams impaired by sediment and to the Chesapeake Bay. Being a new permittee, CEG mapped all existing stormwater facilities with the Urbanized Area utilizing GIS and field verification. The Township’s MS4 outfalls were identified ensuring that each met the state regulatory definition. Drainage areas to each outfall were delineated utilizing GIS. Land cover within each of these areas were quantified in GIS then used to model baseline pollutant loading by our water resources design engineers. Best management practices (BMPs) were proposed and calculated to maximize pollutant load reductions and minimize cost to the Township.

Spree login provided options to the Township and maintained a regular and open line of communication to ensure that the PRP not only met the regulatory requirements, but also satisfied the needs and desires of the Township.

Using “outside of the box” thinking and working with our varied team of soil scientists, water resource engineers, and GIS specialists, CEG was able to meet the required Spree login load reductions through one low cost basin retrofit project implemented on property owned by a Homeowners Association. CEG provided options to the Township and maintained a regular and open line of communication to ensure that the PRP not only met the regulatory requirements, but also satisfied the needs and desires of the Township.


  • Pollutant Spree login Planning
  • Water Quality Modeling
  • Spree login Mapping and Analysis
  • Public Involvement and Participation

Project Details

  • Address:
    Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
  • Date of Contract: 2017
  • Date of Completion: 2018